Saturday, February 28, 2009

Seed Germination - Seed Starting - Seed Propagator

Seed germination at home is very easy with this method. From recycled plastic boxes, washed carefully, you can make your own homemade seed propagator. If you keep it not too big, you can place it on the heater at home to ensure high temperature. In such case there is no need for electric propagator.
This way you can easily germinate seeds, that are very difficult to germinate due to to high germination temperature requirements.
Read more about germinating seeds, in order to understand the process.

1 comment:

DannyStaple said...

Hi Joanna,
I made a homemade propagator too - and put the plans online for it. I reused plastic rice bottles, and found it worked a treat for germinating tomatoes. On the page, I have also got tips for buying a commercial one, choosing the soil, watering, preventing fungi and getting the best out of the propagator.